Top 3 Things to amuse yourself when you’re flight’s delayed

If you fly often due to professional or personal reasons you may have experienced being struck at the airport. What do you do if you are struck at the airport? Although no one likes to be delayed at the airport, there are circumstances when the flight may be delayed due to various reasons and you may have no other option other than spending time at the airport. Most travellers think there is not much to do if they are delayed but they may be surprised at the many options that are available.

Depending on how long you have to stay back at the airport you need to plan your activities so that you do not get bored. You may be surprised to know that there are many things you may be able to do to entertain yourself and stay cheerful instead of getting frustrated with the unfortunate delay at the airport.

It is advisable to check with the airline staff as to how long the delay might be so that you can plan everything in a systematic manner. You may have to plan a bit different depending on whether the delay is just for a couple of hours or you have to stay overnight at the airport.

One thing you need to remember when planning your activities is that not all terminals serve you the same. If the terminal where you are delayed is new, you may be able to do many activities compared to an old terminal.

3 Things to do if you are stuck at the airport

1. If you are travelling for professional reasons, one of the simplest things to do to keep your spirits up is, catch up with your work. You may be able to improve the rest of your trip if you catch up on your work during the delay. If you have overdue tasks then the delay can be a blessing and you may be able to complete all your work and impress the boss easily.

2. Check the amenities that are available at the airport so that you can make use of them to pass your time in a better way. Most of the modern terminals have shopping facilities and you can spend your time buying gifts for your family and friends. You can also make use of gym facilities if they are available to exercise and stay fit even when travelling.

3. You can catch up on your reading or play games on your laptop or tablet. Apart from this, you can also start a friendly conversation with your co-passengers and airline staff. This can help you stay cheerful and you may also find a friend for life.

You should always try to make the best of the situation so that you have a positive experience even if you are delayed for a couple of hours or overnight. It is also advisable to check the airline policies when passengers are delayed so that you know what to expect when you are delayed at the airport.